Home Minister, Sh. Amit Shah sitting on the dais along with Minister, MDoNER Sh. Jyotiraditya Scindia, CM Tripura and Arunachal and MoS, MDoNER.
CMD SIDBI, Chairman NABARD, and MD & CEO PNB joining the Deep prajwalan ceremony st the start of the North East Banker’s Conclave 2024.
August gathering of senior bankers, high-ranking government officials, and other distinguished invitees at the North East Bankers' Conclave 2024.
Senior members of the banking fraternity and other distinguished invitees at the Agartala Bankers' Conclave.
Union Home Minister Sh. Amit Shah addressing a full house at the 12th meeting of the North Eastern Space Applications Centre Society in Agartala.
Home Minister Sh. Amit Shah with Chief Minister of Tripura Dr. Manik Saha, Minister of DoNER Sh. Jyotiraditya M. Scindia, and MoS, DoNER Dr. Sukanta Majumdar.
Secretary, Department of Space and Chairman of ISRO, Dr. S. Somanath, also the Vice President of the NESAC Society, presenting a memento to Home Minister Sh. Amit Shah.
Dr. S. Somanath, Secretary of the Department of Space, Chairman of ISRO, and Vice President of the NESAC Society, delivering his address at the Bankers' Conclave.
Minister of DoNER Sh. Jyotiraditya M. Scindia receiving a memento from Secretary, Dept. of Space and Chairman of ISRO, Dr. S. Somanath.
Dr. S. P. Aggarwal, Director of the North Eastern Space Applications Centre, delivering his address at the 12th Meeting of NESAC.
Ms. Sherry Lalthangzo, Economic Adviser (E&M), NEC, delivering her vote of thanks during the Pre Plenary Session.
Senior officers from various Union Ministries and North Eastern States are seen engaged in the NEC Pre Plenary Session.
6. Secretaries of various Union Ministries and Members of NEC are seen on the dais with the Union Minister of State for DoNER, Dr. Sukanta Majumdar, during the NEC Pre Plenary Session.
Mr. Angshuman Dey, Secretary, NEC, welcoming the dignitaries during the NEC Pre Plenary Session.
Angshuman Dey, Secretary, NEC, felicitating Mr. Chanchal Kumar, Secretary, MDoNER, during the NEC Pre Plenary Session.
Mr. Chanchal Kumar, Secretary, MDoNER, during his address at the NEC Pre Plenary Session.