Power and Renewable Resources of Energy


Under this sector, NEC has so far taken up 7 hydro/ thermal projects with a total installed capacity of 694.50 MW. With these projects, the NEC has made possible to contribute 694.50 MW of capacity addition, i.e about 30% of the current installed capacity in the region. The projects have benefitted by all 8 NE States, Industries and other major establishments located in the region for their power requirement. The mega hydro projects have been discontinued for funding since the 9th Plan Plan.

At Present, there are two major schemes under power sector continuing from the past plan and included in the current (12th) Plan period, viz

1. System Improvement Schemes (SIS) (Upgradation/ Improvement/ Construction of Power transmission and distribution lines (132X11KVA & 33X11KVA) Sub-Stations and

2. Renewable Resources Energy (RRE) (Small/ Mini Hydel Projects and Solar/ Wind Energy Systems & Assistance for implementation of Small Hydel Projects (SHPs).

  • Under System improvement schemes (Upgradation/ Improvement/ Construction of Power transmission and distribution lines (132X11KVA & 33X11KVA) Sub-Stations - NEC has taken up a large number of system improvement projects like transmission, sub-transmission and distribution and upgrading of the sub-stations. Out of the total length of transmission lines of 11075.295 Ckm in NER, the NEC has contributed as much as 4456.50 Ckt km both for completed and ongoing transmission lines with capacity transformation of 1526.20 MV Capacity Sub-Stations. These projects made a success for evacuating power from the generating station to efficiently distribute it within the region with a matching Transmission system and also to a large extent reducing the AT & C losses.
  • Under Small/ Mini Hydel Projects- The NEC has also taken initiative for supporting proposals for providing Gap funding to Renewable Resources of Energy schemes which include Micro/ mini hydel projects, solar hybrid and wind energy projects, etc. Under this scheme, 7 projects have successfully been completed by the State Government. A large number of un-electrified rural populations are benefitted through these projects by providing minimum need of electricity for their day to day requirement through renewable resources of energy.

The above 2 (two) Schemes have given boost to the regular availability of power to the remote areas of the NER and also to a large extent reducing the AT & C losses. Some of the recent notable completed projects are enclosed as Annexure-A.

The NEC has also funded Study “DPR for comprehensive Scheme for strengthening of transmission and distribution system in NER and Sikkim” implemented by PGCIL resulted in the sanction of Rs.9865.00 crore scheme for Transmission & Distribution system in the NE Region. The Scheme is now being funded by GoI and World Bank.